Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ray Comfort is planning on changing his "Atheist Central"

Ray Comfort:

     While I do not approve of mockery as valid debate (it shows that the mocker cannot really support his position) atheists are not mocking your deity. Consider -- many people mock the idea of the Loch Ness monster. It doesn't mean they are mocking the monster itself. The monster, presumably, doesn't exist. They are mocking the idea expressed. Similarly, atheists are mocking an idea you express. And you shouldn't have a problem with it because you don't even believe in the idea.
     Now, I know that somebody will come back and say that Ray does believe, is sincere, etc. But it is not true. "After an experience I had with an atheist yesterday at Huntington Beach, this will be the end of Atheist Central, as we have known it." He is announcing that he plans to shield himself. If he really believed that he was taking the "persecutions" on behalf of Jesus and that he would be rewarded for it after death, he would do no such thing. In all likelihood, he has decided that it is eating into his bottom line. That's why he is making changes.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A response to Beth that largely concerns the misdeeds of Ray from Living Waters "Ministries."


     "You, Pvblivs, have no idea what you are saying."
     I know exactly what I am saying. Ray is running a for-profit operation. But he pretends that it is non-profit so that people let their guard down and so that he gets tax breaks. There is nothing wrong with running a for-profit operation. But pretending it is non-profit is fraud.
     "You are in such a dark place that you can’t see any light in others."
     Projecting much? I do not say "there is none that does good." If I did, it would indicate that I couldn't see any light in others.
     "The gesture was to convince 'atheists' that he loves them.  He does."
     No, he does not. If he did, he would not make such copious use of the delete button. For example he deleted my previous response containing the above criticism. He didn't try to argue that I was in error. (He knows full well that my statement is true.) He deleted it so his followers wouldn't see it. That is not love. He may, indeed, be trying to convince people that he loves them. But that just means he is trying to create an illusion.

Monday, November 17, 2008

It has been asked why non-christians post at "Atheist Central."

     That particular blog is, of course, a branch of Living Waters. I would suggest a couple reasons. One is a human tendency to warn against scams. Living Waters is a commercial enterprise (posing as a non-profit) which sells garbage in the name of "salvation." Another is that Living Waters deliberately misrepresents non-christians. I say that it is deliberate because the blog writer has been corrected numerous times, but he continues the same misrepresentations. Then there is the fact that Living Waters encourages people to try to get legislation passed which is hostile to non-christians. People are not threatened by some nebulous "god." But they are threated by an organization trying to pass its religion into law.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Strange how certain comments keep getting deleted.

     It is rather plain that the blog currently called "Atheist Central" is just an arm of Living Waters. The Living Waters home page links to the blog and the blog sells Living Waters merchandise. There have been a couple points where mention of this fact fit the conversation at the blog. So I submitted comments to that effect. My comments did not violate any of their stated rules; yet they were deleted anyway. You don't suppose they're hiding something, do you?

Monday, October 27, 2008

There is some suggestion that Living Waters is trying to spur a lawsuit to generate sales.

     I thnk that would be a very unwise course of action. While it might increase sales, it would probably also attract the attention of the Eternal Revenue Service (wait, that's Internal Revenue Service.) If it takes a look at the copyright policy of Living Waters, it is very likely to decide that the registration as a non-profit is fraudulent. The people at Living Waters may find that the entity gets dissolved, they get to sit in jail for tax evasion (and other frauds) and that they are not allowed to sell anything, anywhere, ever. Since the main characters do not strike me as sincere, they should probably reconsider.

Oh, this is rich.

     Now the claim is that any comment on that blog may be used in a Living Waters publication under Fair Use. Given the "copyright policy" at Living Waters, they might find that the judge in any case would be unreceptive. They may be registered as a non-profit, but they are acting as a commercial enterprise.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Copyright law

     Ray Comfort, of Living Waters, snuck a disclaimer onto to his blog claiming that all comments to his blog became the property of Living Waters "Ministries." That is, of course, not how copyright works. If Living Waters later tries to use a Fair Use defense, that disclaimer will actually work against them.